Add a Business or Service
At the moment you will have to contact NepaliYP to add the Business or your Service to add to our listing and we will add the feature where you can sign up add you business in near future.
Contact US
You can use the Contact US Page to contact us or Please give us a call at 404.955.8166 to get in touch with us.
Use the Site
Using the site is very simple use the Search bar on the top of the page to find the business you are looking for. Use the use the keywords like Restaurant or Lawyer or Realtor or grocery store or anything that comes to your mind plus you can use our category and location feature which, when clicked will give you a drop down list of option to choose from and it will show you the result from the category of the business or the location (states). We will add the feature to choose business around you via zip code and city names soon and by the way you can also search any business from the combination of all three search options..
Claim a Listing
If you purchased a business from a owner that you would like to claim please contact NepaliYP.You can use the Contact US Page to contact us or Please give us a call at 404.955.8166 to get in touch with us.
Add more information / Media about a business
Please contact NepaliYP for this feature.You can use the Contact US Page to contact us or Please give us a call at 404.955.8166 to get in touch with us.
In near future we will add the feature where you can add or modify any information about you Business and Services by you. We are working on it as of right now.. This feature will be available soon..
Be a Sponsored Listing
For now we will list you as a sponsored listing after we verify some information from you . Please contact us to verify your business or services, You can use the Contact US Page to contact us or Please give us a call at 404.955.8166 to get in touch with us.